The Basilica of Santa Maria de la Seu together with the city’s museums encouraged by Manresa’s City Council have presented “The Game of Museums”. The proposal is part of the International Museum Day program and aims to encourage families to visit the city’s muses in a fun way.
To take part in the game you must obtain the game brochure at one of the participating facilities (the Seu, the Museum of Manresa, Museu de la Tècnica, Museu de Geologia Valentí Masachs, Espai Manresa 1522 and the Medieval Interpretation Center in Carrer del Balç), the Manresa Tourist Office or the Casino Cultural Center.
Through a story designed for children, the participants in the game will have to get a total of 6 trading cards corresponding to a work from each of the spaces and solve a riddle. Once participants have completed the brochure with the trading cards of all the pieces and obtained the six answers, they will find the clue to get the final prize.
The Museum Game is a free offer and all families who wish can participate until June 30.