Visit of Salle Manresa school

Schools keep visiting the Seu

Schools keep visiting the Seu 1440 1079 Seu de Manresa

The tourist and cultural management of the Seu of Manresa has called on all primary and secondary schools in the city to continue visiting the temple and has received a very positive response.

Due to the pandemic situation arising from the Covid-19 and the municipal closure, the number of visitors to the basilica has noticed a sharp decline. That is why in mid-January 2021 the basilica contacted the schools of Manresa to explain that the Seu is still open and encouraging them to visit it with their students. Since then, requests for 6 guided tours and 4 free tours of the facility have been received.

The Seu of Manresa offers two types of school visits:

  1. Free visit: the teachers are in charge of the management of the group and of all the contents. They can watch the introductory audiovisual and access the cloister, the Espai Oliba, the nave, the baptistery and the crypt.
  2. Guided tour: a guide explains concepts such as Romanesque and Gothic, the context of the construction of the temple or medieval Manresa adapting its discourse to the school curriculum. In addition, the route and contents can be adapted to the interests and needs of each group.

The aim of the school visits is to let students know the basilica of Manresa, which is one of the great jewels of the Catalan Gothic, and to highlight the cultural heritage of the city arousing the curiosity of students through discovery and observation. .

To receive more information or to make visit reservations you can contact us at: // 93 872 15 12.